Topics about collecting Pickelhauben and stuff related to imperial Germany

Here are some useful links according the German Empire, German Monarchies in general and Pickelhaubes or other military memorabilia:

wilhelm-der-zweite - Rectifications to the person of Wilhelm II. the last German Emperor and King of Prussia and his work: - The best Forum about Pickelhauben: -  The best information website about Pickelhauben and collecting them: - The German „Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung“ shows the current official German opinion towards the German Empire: - The photo archive of Baden-Wurttemberg has a large number of impressive old photographs from members of the German nobility: - A large archive of old photographs: - The historical association "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Heereskunde e.V.“ publishes a magazine with scientific articles on the subject of uniforms and military history for more than a century.

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